The podcast for intermediate-level English learners

If you’re learning English and have difficulty discovering intermediate-level content that is consistently interesting and also made for English learners, English, please is for you! Boost your English listening skills with episodes lasting less than 10 minutes—enough time to dig into a subject, but short enough to add to your regular routine.

Listen and subscribe now with your favorite podcast app, and let’s embark on an exciting adventure together in clear, understandable English! You can also subscribe to the newsletter for episode updates and occasional English-language content to help you practice!

Join the online book club in February, 2025! It’s free, and will be a fun place to learn vocabulary, practice conversation, and enjoy a great book, too!

This is my way of spreading the joy of learning English to as many people as possible. If you would like to support the show with a small contribution, I would be eternally grateful!

Thank you!